To provide inspections for the community, taking into account public safety, health, and general welfare,
through the effective and efficient administration and enforcement of the North Carolina State Building Codes.
ALL Inspections for the Town of Spring Lake
need to be scheduled through the Inspections Dept.
Please call (910) 985-1810 to schedule an inspection.
The Town of Spring Lake Inspection Department is responsible for enforcement of the North Carolina Building Codes within the Town’s jurisdiction.
This includes the review of building plans and approval of all permits for construction of single-family and commercial buildings and structures.
Permits are also issued for construction of accessory structures such as swimming pools, decks, storage buildings,
garages, carports, etc. Once approved, regular inspections are made of each permit issued.
The Town of Spring Lake works in conjunction with Cumberland County to complete some of its inspections,
especially in times when our Inspector (s) are out of the office; however, please note that ALL inspections must
be scheduled through the Town of Spring Lake’s Inspection office, not Cumberland County’s.
All Contractors and any individuals wishing to have an inspection completed are asked to call our
Spring Lake Inspections Department at (910) 985-1810 to ensure the proper inspection
is scheduled and completed in a timely manner.
The Spring Lake Board of Commissioners has adopted Town Ordinances (laws) specifically designed to address blight, nuisances, noise, and to maintain
a clean environment for all citizens in our community. The Code Enforcement Inspector is responsible for implementing the guidelines set forth in the ordinances.
Annual Financial Report Building Code Enforcement Program:
Annual Financial Report Building Code Enforcement Program
Learn more…
Planning for the Town of Spring Lake is a joint collaboration between the Town of Spring Lake and Cumberland County. Although the Town does not have a full-time Planning Director or staff, Spring Lake is fully capable of meeting planning and zoning requirements. Currently, the Cumberland County Planning Department handles most planning items as they relate to the Town.
Town staff handles limited items and may direct you to Cumberland County.
Sec. 42-191. Yard regulations.
(3) Fences and walls. The setback requirements of this chapter shall not apply to any retaining wall. Open fences and walls may be erected to any height. Solid fences and walls shall be limited to three feet in height when projected into or enclosing a minimum front yard, [and] shall be limited to six feet in height when projecting into or enclosing a minimum side yard and/or rear yard; provided that in no case shall a solid fence or wall exceed three feet in height within 25 feet of a public right-of-way line.