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Police Department

If you have an emergency, fear you are in danger,
or need an officer dispatched,
DIAL 911

“We, the members of the Spring Lake Police Department, are committed to providing quality police service to theresidents who live in the Town of Spring Lake.
We will strive to improve the quality of life for our citizens by enforcing laws, maintaining order and protecting life and liberty,
with respect to all,
in a highly professional manner.”


Law Enforcement recordings and public records

Legislation was enacted in North Carolina in 2016 that governs the disclosure and release of recordings from law enforcement officer’s body-worn cameras. G.S. 132-1.4A provides that such recordings (along with recordings from dashboard cams and other recording devices operated by or on behalf of any law enforcement while carrying out law enforcement duties) may be shown or viewed only to the persons whose picture or voice is in the recording, or said person(s) lawful representative. However, they may NOT make any recordings or copies of anything viewed or disclosed to them.



If you are going out of town or need your property checked on, a patrol officer can make a scheduled check of the property (residential or commercial.) These checks must be scheduled in advance. Please call or stop in the Police Department to learn more.


Community policing involves community involvement. If you would like a member of the Spring Lake Police Department to visit or speak at an event you are hosting or to tour the Police Department, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Police Chief to make your request. Please be sure to include the name of your organization, a contact person, the date of your request, the purpose of your request, the number in attendance, and other specifics. While the SLPD tries to accommodate most requests,  it is dependent on staffing, the needs of the department, and the ongoing needs of the community.


To request a ride-a-long with a patrol officer, certain criteria must be met. To learn more and submit your request, contact the Patrol Lt. at (910) 436-0350. Age restrictions do apply.

Tips / Crimestoppers

**Please note: The following phone number is NOT FOR EMERGENCIES!
If you are in need of immediate assistance or need to
communicate an emergency situation, call 911.


The Spring Lake Police Department has set up a toll free tip line at 910-436-2500
for anyone with information pertaining to a crime or incident
that has occurred within the Town of Spring Lake.
All calls are processed and followed up by members of the police Department.

The SLPD also works with Cumberland County Crimestoppers who partner with the Fayetteville Police Department, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, and the Hope Mills Police Department.
Citizens are asked to call Crimestoppers at (910) 483-TIPS (8477) or toll free at 1-866-542-TIPS (8477) if they have information regarding criminal activity.
 This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is designated for Crimestoppers information only. 
All calls are kept in complete confidence.

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FingerprintingAnimal Control
Currently, the Spring Lake Police Department does not
offer fingerprinting services.  

This service is provided through the Sheriff’s Department of the county you currently reside in.

The Town of Spring Lake has an Interlocal Agreement with Cumberland County which sufficiently covers the needs of the Town as they relate to animal control. As part of this agreement, the Town’s Animal Control Ordinance was repealed and
Cumberland County’s Animal Control Ordinance was adopted.

Cumberland County Animal Control: (910) 321-6852
Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department Fingerprinting
Harnett County Sheriff’s Department Fingerprinting
Cumberland County Animal Control Spring Lake Code of Ordinances

Gun PermitsPaying for tickets or requesting a report

North Carolina is a “shall issue” state, with concealed handgun permits issued at the
county level by the local sheriff’s office.

A permit to purchase a handgun or a concealed handgun permit is required when
purchasing a handgun in North Carolina and only residents are allowed
to purchase handguns.

The Spring Lake Police Department does not issue permits for any type(s) of guns.

This service is provided through the Sheriffs Department of the county
that you currently reside in.

Police reports can be picked up Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the main Police Department offices that are located at 300 Ruth Street, and not the Annex located on Spring Ave.

There is no charge for this.

For tickets, check to see if they may be able to be paid pay through the mail, online, or in-person depending on the county the ticket(s) was issued in.

Waivers may be done in-person at the courthouse in front of the clerk or magistrate or online, in the county that your case is pending.
Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department Gun Permits
Harnett County Sheriff’s Department gun Permits
Cumberland County Courthouse
Harnett County Courthouse


The men and women of the Spring Lake Police Department are here to serve you.
Whether it’s conducting well checks at businesses, patrolling area neighborhoods,
or doing paperwork at the station
, they are accessible and approachable.

Take the time to get to know them.

Chief of Police: Errol Jarman
Detective Lieutenant:
Gregory Wilkerson
Patrol Lieutenant: Danny Sutton
Executive Assistant:
Tracy Towson
Admin Assistant (Main PD):

Main office:
Phone: (910) 436-0350
300 Ruth St., Spring Lake, NC 28390

Phone: (910) 436-7167
11 Spring Ave., Spring Lake, NC 28390

“Believe there is good in the world; prepare for when there isn’t.”
A connected community is a SAFER community.”


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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