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Administration Department


It is the mission of the Administration Department to provide administrative and technical support to the Board of Commissioners, Town Manager, and Town staff; disseminate accurate information concerning legislative decisions and policy issues; ensure the preservation and integrity of all official Town documents including accurate recordings of Board of Commissioners proceedings. We strive to maintain an effective records management system; and to provide professional, responsive customer service to the citizens of Spring Lake, all in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, Town of Spring Lake Charter and Code of Ordinances, and Town Board and Manager directives. Additionally, we will work with staff to develop a system of personnel administration that addresses recruitment, retention, employment conditions, employee benefits, grievance procedures, position classification, pay administration, personnel, and policies.


Spring Lake has the Council-Manager form of local government. Ordinances and Resolutions (laws of Spring Lake) are enacted by the Board of Commissioners, who are elected by the people. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners and shall cause all Ordinances of the Town to be enforced. The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the Town. The Town Manager is the administrative officer of the Town government and is responsible for administering all municipal affairs of the Town government. They direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies of the Town, subject to the general direction and control of the Board of Commissioners, except as otherwise provided by law. As stated in the North Carolina General Statute 160A-171: “There shall be a city clerk who shall give notice of meetings of the council, keep a journal of the proceeding of the council, be the custodian of all city records, and shall perform any other duties that may be required by law or the council.”


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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