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Military and Veterans Advisory Committee

The Military and Veterans Advisory Committee consists of members appointed by the Board of Commissioners to promote military and Veterans affairs functions and activities in the community and to provide recommendations to the Town Manager and Board of Commissioners in planning programs and activities to enhance the quality of life and recognition of military residents, veterans and their families in the community.

The committee consists of nine (9) members who serve two (2) year terms. Members may serve an unlimited number of appointed terms, upon the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Due to the nature of the committee, members must have military service (past or present), including retirement from service or a veteran or a current service member (in any military branch.)

All members are to be residents of the Town of Spring Lake or municipal influence area and serve voluntarily.

The committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m.

If you live inside the Town limits and would like to serve on this committee, please complete an application and turn it into the Town Clerk.

Committee or Board Application

Click here for Military and Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Charter

Committee members:

Commissioner Marvin Lackman          Ex Officio                                                                                             Term Expires N/A
Armand Caron                                      Chair                                        American Legion Post 230                  Term Expires 8/1/25
Robert Kennedy                                   At Large Member                    VFW 9103                                             Term Expires 6/12/25
Tim Baker                                             Secretary                                  Nam Knights                                       Term Expires 6/10/26
Ingrid Turner                                        VFW 4542                                Spring Lake Memorial                         Term Expires 6/26/25
Irene Rosa                                            At Large Member                                                                                  Term Expires 10/9/25
Jesse Underwood                                At Large Member                                                                                  Term Expires 8/12/26
Issac Castleberry                                 Vice Chair                                                                                               Term Expires 9/9/26
Vacant                                                  At Large Member
Vacant                                                  At Large Member

Military Banner Program

Banners will be on display starting on Memorial Day through Veterans Day and locations shall be determined by the Town of Spring Lake.

The Town of Spring Lake Military Banner Program was initiated by the Town to honor and recognize Spring Lake veterans and active-duty service members.

The banners are 24” wide x 48” tall and made of heavy vinyl, printed the same on both sides with the service person’s photo, full name, and branch of the military. 

The banners are displayed in downtown Spring Lake on Main Street. If Main Street fills up with the banners, then the banners will be displayed on Spring Avenue, Bragg Boulevard, and NC HWY 210. Banners will be on display starting on Memorial Day through Veterans Day.  All banner locations shall be determined solely by the Town of Spring Lake. The number of banners and location is subject to change.

Completed applications may be submitted via email to: pmoore@townofspringlake.com  or mailed to: Town of Spring Lake, Attention: Military Banner Program, 300 Ruth Street, Spring Lake, NC 28390

The application is available here

Veteran of the Year Application

We are excited to announce the **Veteran of the Year** program, presented by the *Military and Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee*!

Do you know a veteran who has made outstanding contributions to our community? Now is your chance to recognize them! To nominate an eligible veteran, please fill out the application form or visit Town Hall to pick up a form.

Here’s what we’re looking for: https://shorturl.at/zGm1i

**Carly Autry (Town Clerk)** at clerk@townofspringlake.com
**Commissioner Marvin Lackman** at marvin.lackman@townofspringlake.com

Veteran of the Year

  • 2022 – Charles Miller
  • 2023 – George Reed
  • 2024 – Jennifer Alexander
  • 2025 –


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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