The Town of Spring Lake Board of Commissioners meet in regular session twice
each month in the Grady Howard Conference Room
in the Town Hall Municipal Building located at 300 Ruth Street, Spring Lake.
These meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Occasionally, the Board of Commissioners will schedule a workshop or special meeting to discuss matters requiring more in-depth explanation, study or discussion. However, no recommendations made during these are finalized until such matters are accepted by the Board of Commissioners in a regular meeting. The Town Clerk, as liaison to the Board, keeps a record of Board minutes, posts notices of meetings, and publishes agendas as well as any information that pertains to the Spring Lake Board of Commissioners and their meetings.
If you would like to speak during the meeting for the public comments contact:
Carly Autry, or call 910-985-1834, please contact her no later than the morning of the meeting.
The next regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners session is scheduled for: