The mission of the Water Resources Department is to provide the Town of Spring Lake’s residents with the best services dealing with all water operations to include fresh water, waste water and storm water.
Wastewater services include the maintenance and operation of our collection system, treatment plant, the disposal of the treated effluent from the plant and the land application of residuals removed during the treatment process. We have met and will continue to meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
The Water Resources Department consists of the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Water Operations and Sewer.
Stormwater issues are mitigated through the cleaning and inspection of our system and ensuring that all new construction meet the new Phase II regulations.
Stormwater also coordinates the Annual Hazardous Waste pick-up and local support to keep our curbs and gutters clean. Storm water encompasses an array of issues for the Town from education and prevention to inspection and clean-up. Click on the link to learn more about Stormwater and the role it plays in the Town of Spring Lake.
Water/Sewer Operations is a division which is both proactive and reactive. It is proactive in that it performs maintenance on parts of the infrastructure to prevent damage before it occurs and it is reactive because it it the operations that responds to water and sewer breaks. It deals with both waste water and fresh water. Fresh water services include the maintenance and operation of mains and services, which deliver each water account safe drinking water that meets all the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
These reports are snapshots that show information pertaining to and about the water quality in Spring Lake.
Read more and view the reports.
The Water Resources Department is an active Department. They not only host the Annual Household Hazardous Pick-up but they also have various other events throughout the year and they are responsible for any and all preventive maintenance work needed on the Town’s water and sewer lines.
The Water Resources Department falls under the guidance of the Water Resources Director, Tim Garner.
- Water Resources Director: Tim Garner
- WWTP ORC: Richard Mendez
The Water Resources Department can be contacted by phone, mail or e-mail.
720 Tuscarora Drive – Water Operations
300 Harps Street – WWTP
Spring Lake, NC 28390
(910) 497-3390 – Water Operations
(910) 497-5748 – WWTP
Spring Lake Town Directory