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Town Clerk

Welcome to the Office of the Town Clerk.  The municipal clerk is one of the oldest government professions and has been traced to the year 1272 A.D.  The early keepers of the archives were often called “remembrancers”.  The title as we know it is derived from the Middle Ages.  A “Clerk” was any member of a religious order, a “cleric” or “clergyman”.  Since, for all practical purposes, the scholarship of the Middle Ages was limited to the clergy, the name “clerk” came to be synonymous with “scholar”.

When the early colonists came to America, they set up forms of local government to which they had been accustomed; and the office of clerk was one of the first established.  The colony at Plymouth appointed a person to act as a recorder.  For centuries the municipal clerk has performed the archival functions of the governing body.  The Clerk serves as the direct link between the citizens and their government, and is the historian of the community and its people.  The entire recorded history of the Town’s actions is in the care of your Town Clerk.

As stated in the North Carolina General Statute 160A-171:  “There shall be a city clerk who shall give notice of meetings of the council, keep a journal of the proceeding of the council, be the custodian of all city records, and shall perform any other duties that may be required by law or the council.”

There is also a statute provision for a Deputy City Clerk, North Carolina General Statute 160A-172:  “The council may provide for a deputy city clerk who shall have full authority to exercise and perform any of the powers and duties of the city clerk that may be specified by the council.”

The Spring Lake Code of Ordinances is the adopted laws and regulations of the Town of Spring Lake as passed by the Board of Commissioners. The Spring Lake Code of Ordinances, as presented here, includes the Town Charter. The Spring Lake Code of Ordinances is managed and maintained by the Town Clerk.

The Spring Lake Board of Commissioners meet the second (2) and fourth (4) Monday of every month at 6:00 pm unless otherwise scheduled or announced.  The Town Clerk, as liaison to the Board, keeps a record of Board minutes, posts notices of meetings, publishes Agendas and all information as it pertains to the Spring Lake Board of Commissioners. Our elected officials, along with their information, can be found on the drop down tab on our home page.

The Spring Lake Board of Commissioners are elected every two (2) years.  County Commissioners are elected every four (4) years.

The Town Clerk is the head of the Administration Department.
The Town Clerk works directly for the Board of Commissioners and supports the Board in a variety of tasks.
They are the official custodian of all Town records.
The Town Clerk performs numerous tasks for the Town as well as serving as liaison between the Board of Commissioners, Mayor, Town Manager and the citizens of Spring Lake.
They directly support the Mayor and Town Manager while overseeing an administrative staff.

The Town of Spring Lake makes available to the public all records in its custody and control that are defined as “public records” under N.C.G.S. §132-1.

Any person(s) may request a public record from the Town of Spring Lake.  Our Town Clerk will assist in gathering, providing for inspection, or copying the information requested. Sufficient and truthful information needs to be provided to ensure the ease of locating any public record that is requested, and the form must be signed and dated when submitted for retrieval. (see below for official request form)

Records will be available for inspection or pick-up as promptly as reasonably possible, but in any event within fifteen (15) business days if ten (10) or less different records are requested.
If over ten (10) documents are requested or records are archived, such records will be available in the Town Hall no later than thirty (30)
business days.

The Town requires payment in accordance with the adopted Fee Schedule and the signature of the requester.

Click here for a copy of the Public Records Request .

Carly Autry can be contacted by phone, mail or via an email.

300 Ruth Street
Spring Lake, NC 28390

Spring Lake Town Directory


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 436-0241 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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