Yard Debris
- The Town of Spring Lake’s Public Works Department is the service provider which handles the removal of yard debris for the Town.
- For general questions pertaining to yard debris services and yard debris removal, please contact Public Works at (910) 497-3390.
- If your yard debris has not been picked up and you had it properly placed at the curb in time for pick-up for that week, please call Public Works at (910) 497-3390. Please be sure to include your name, physical address, and a phone number where you can be reached (should they have questions.)
- Yard waste is picked up once (1x) per week.
- Yard waste needs to placed at curbside by 7:00 am the day of your normal waste pick-up as yard debris is normally picked up in conjunction with household trash.
- Yard debris should be placed in separate neat piles at the curb, do not mix grass clippings/pine straw/leaves with limbs. This applies to all yard debris including grass clippings, leaves, small limbs, etc.
- DO NOT put yard debris in bags. Covering with a tarp or similar material is acceptable.
- Large limbs or vines which requires a chipper should be stacked neatly at the curb.
- Nothing over six (6) inches in diameter or longer than six (6) feet or over 50 pounds should be placed at curbside for pick-up.
- Call the Public Works Administrative Offices at (910) 497-3390 to schedule a special pick-up.
- NOTE: There may be an additional fee assessed for special pick-ups.
- Any quantity in excess of one (1) tree greater than thirty (30) feet in height and/or eighteen (18) inches in diameter will be considered lot clearing and will not be picked up.
- Nothing over six (6) inches in diameter or longer than six (6) feet or weighing more than 50 pounds should be placed at curbside for pick-up.
There are certain items that will NOT be picked up as part of household waste or yard debris. They include :
- Materials such as car batteries, tires, covered paint cans, fuel tanks, motor oil, hazardous materials, etc. These items are not acceptable for disposal at a sanitary landfill.
- Construction/demolition debris, debris generated by a commercial contractor or resulting from clearing and grading – especially no bricks, rock, dirt, etc.
- Any debris generated by commercial or for hire maintenance operations will not be picked up.
- No stumps or tree trimmings generated by commercial contractors will be picked up; these should be removed by the contractor.
- Hot or live coals.
- Large bulky items such as car bodies, storage buildings, auto or truck tires, etc.
- Other materials restricted by Federal, State, County, or Town ordinances.
(Please note: this is the schedule for Yard Debris. It is not and should not be confused with the schedule for Household trash and Recycling. Those pick-up schedules are posted on separate pages. For your convenience, links have been posted at the bottom of the page.)
South of NC 210, East of Bragg Blvd, 3rd, – 7th St., Lakeview Gardens, and south of Ruth St. |
North of NC 210, Chapel Hill Rd., Weaver, McNeil St., Eva Cir. and Woodland West Subdivision |
West of Bragg Blvd. (From Vass Rd south to Odell Rd.), Deerfield Sub-Division, Tram, Manchester & Vass Roads & part of Chapel Hill Rd |
Odell Road, Old and New Holly Hills, Laketree and Manchester Forest Subdivisions, and South of Ruth Street |
When a holiday falls on your normal pick-up day, your refuse will be collected the next business day. All pick-ups, THAT WEEK ONLY, will be one business day later. The Public Works Department follows the holiday schedule of the Town of Spring Lake which is adopted by the Spring Lake Board of Commissioners.
Picking up of Yard Debris is a service provided to residents by the Town of Spring Lake and falls under the umbrella of the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department is under the leadership and guidance of the Interim Maintenance Director, Steve Wing.
The Town of Spring Lake can be reached via mail, phone, or e-mail.
720 Tuscarora Drive
Spring Lake, NC 28390
phone: (910) 497-3390
Spring Lake Town Directory