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Winter Water Reminders

It’s time for that yearly series of reminders… if it is going to freeze overnight and in order to save your water and pipes, please do the following:

1. Leave the outside faucets dripping and do the same to any faucets on an outside wall (sinks in front of windows). Open cabinet doors to allow warm air to reach the sink pipes.

2. Cover any exposed pipes with foam insulters both inside and out.

3. If your water heater pipes are not insulated, turn the closest hot water faucet (bathroom, kitchen) to drip and keep the water running through the pipes.

4. Put faucet covers on your outdoor spigots if you don’t to leave them running.

5. If you have a pool that has not been winterized, run the filter anytime it is expected to freeze, day or night.

6. If you have a mobile home, make sure your skirt is properly fastened to keep warm air under the trailer for the pipes.

A little preparation will save a lot of money and help keep the entire water system safe. It’s less expensive to pay for a little extra water usage than to have to repair or replace broken pipes and the associated damages.


The Town of Spring Lake • 300 Ruth Street • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Town Hall: (910) 605-1634 • Water Department: (910) 703 – 8912

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